Welcome to New Horizon. Info@NewHorizonChurch.org
- Plan Your Visit. Thinking about attending worship? CLICK HERE for what to expect. Hope to meet you soon.
- Text “Hello” New to NH? Text “Hello” to 217-359-8909 for a personal greeting.
- Starting Point. 1st SUNDAYS. Get to know NH following worship in the Alpha Room.
- Questions? Comments? Feedback? Feedback@NewHorizonChurch.org.
Worship @ NH.
- Sundays, 10:30 AM. LIVE & LIVESTREAM. CLICK HERE for livestream links, giving, downloading this week's program & more.
Wednesday Nights.
- Opportunities for all ages. 6:30 PM. Nursery, kids, teens & adults. "Drop-In" groups in the worship area. A place for everyone.
Our present Message Series: "REACH." FEBRUARY 2025. We're following Jesus by engaging with others through reaching, inviting, welcoming & discipling. We're joining Jesus in populating Heaven.
Growing Big Faith in 2025
- Wednesday Nights. 6:30 PM. Opportunities for all ages. "Drop-In" groups for adults.
- Adult Groups. Please contact us for placement: Groups@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Celebrate Recovery. THURSDAYS, 6:30 PM. Celebrate@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Women’s Bible Study Fellowship. TUESDAYS, 9 AM. Childcare is available.
Kids & Students.
- Nursery-Pre-K. SUNDAYS, 10:30 AM. Downstairs. Heather@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- K-5. SUNDAYS, 10:30 AM. WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-8 PM, Upstairs. Deante@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- Axis Jr. High. WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 PM. Cafe. MikeH@NewHorizionChurch.org. Jr. High Alpha begins: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 6:30 PM. Jr. High Retreat.
- Axis High School. SUNDAYS, 6 PM. Café. Zach@NewHorizionChurch.org. High School Fire-Up Conference: FEBRUARY 23 @ Troy GMC, Troy, IL.
- Kids Outdoor Zone. 2ND SATURDAYS, 8 AM-1 PM. Meeting monthly at Mahomet Sportsman's Club. Contact Dave Roberts, dalero1@hotmail.com
Serving & Missions
- Mardi Gras Men’s Outreach. FEBRUARY 27 to MARCH 5. CLICK HERE for info & registration.
- NH serves @ Salt & Light. FIRST SATURDAYS, 10 AM to NOON. There's something for everyone. 1819 Philo, Urbana.
Opportunities @ NH
- NH Women, 2nd Fridays @ 6PM. "Galentines" FEBRUARY 14, 6 PM. CLICK HERE for info.
- Blood Drive. FEBRUARY 23, 9 AM to NOON. Walk-in or schedule on NH website.
- Mardi Gras Men’s Outreach. FEBRUARY 27 to MARCH 5. Info on NH website.
- Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference. SATURDAY, APRIL 5. CLICK HERE to register.
- NH Prayer Chat Room. SUNDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 8 AM. Dial 217-866-0099.
- Body & Soul® Women’s Fitness Classes. MONDAYS, 5:15PM, WEDNESDAYS, 9 AM, SATURDAYS, 10 AM. In-person & livestream. Taught by Sara Easter, ACE-Certified instructor. Equipment provided. Sara@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Please update your NH profile. CLICK HERE for easy access. Thanks!
Giving @ NH
- General giving, Feb 9. $18,975. 2024 Year End. $21,121 surplus
- Online & Text Giving. CLICK HERE for online giving at NH's website.
2024 End-of-Year Financial Report
Attendance @ NH
- Worship attendance. February 9: 178 Online: 69
- Other attendance. Week ending February 9: Kids: 22 Sr. High Axis: 17 Jr. High Catalyst: n/a MDWK: n/a CR: 118