Welcome to New Horizon. Info@NewHorizonChurch.org
- Plan Your Visit. Thinking about attending worship? CLICK HERE for what to expect. Hope to meet you soon.
- Text “Hello” New to NH? Text “Hello” to 217-359-8909 for a personal greeting.
- Starting Point. 1st SUNDAYS. Get to know NH following worship in the Alpha Room.
- Questions? Comments? Feedback? Feedback@NewHorizonChurch.org.
Worship @ NH.
- Sundays, 10:30 AM. Live & livestream. CLICK HERE for livestream links, giving, downloading this week's program, YouVersion & more.
Kids & Students. A big welcome to our new Ministry Directors!
- Nursery-Pre-K. SUNDAYS, 10:30 AM. Downstairs. Heather@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- K-5. BEGINS SEPTEMBER 15. Upstairs. Deante@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- Axis Jr. High. BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18. MikeH@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- Axis High School. SUNDAYS, 6 PM. Café. Zach@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- Adult Groups. BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 15. Groups@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Alpha. BEGINS THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 15. Sundays, 9 AM & Wednesdays, 6:30 PM. Sign up on NH website. Alpha@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Celebrate Recovery. THURSDAYS, 6:30 PM. Freedom from hurts, hangups, habits. Opportunities for children & teens. Celebrate@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Women’s Bible Study Fellowship. BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10, 9 AM. Childcare.
- CONTINUING: NH 40 Days of Prayer. CLICK HERE for Prayer Prompts.
- SATURDAY: NH Disciple-Making Conference. 8:30-11:30 AM. Churchwide!
- NEXT SUNDAY: NH Friend Day. SUN., SEPT. 8. Outdoor worship, lunch & more!
- Audience of One. SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 6 PM. Community Prayer, Virginia Theater.
- NH Women. Making Prayer Boards, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 6PM in the cafe. CLICK HERE to rsvp and reserve supplies.
Opportunities @ NH
- My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. A daily devotional for 2024. CLICK HERE for NH’s Oswald Chambers page.
- Body & Soul® Women’s Fitness Classes. WEDNESDAYS, 9 AM, SATURDAYS, 10 AM. In-person & livestream. Taught by Sara Easter, ACE-Certified instructor. Equipment provided. Sara@NewHorizonChurch.org.
Serving & Missions @ NH.
- NH serves @ Salt & Light. FIRST SATURDAYS, 10 AM to NOON. There's something for everyone. 1819 Philo, Urbana.
Giving @ NH
- General giving. September 1: $12,912 Weekly need: $12,870. 2024 YTD as of July 31 (-$21,279)
- Online & Text Giving. CLICK HERE for online giving at NH's website.
Attendance @ NH
- Worship attendance. September 1: 167 including elementary Online: 64
- Other attendance. Week ending Sept 1: Pre-K: 7 Sr. High Axis: 17 Jr. High Axis: n/a CR: 93