updates & Links

Welcome to New Horizon.  Info@NewHorizonChurch.org

  • Plan Your Visit.  Thinking about attending worship?  CLICK HERE for what to expect.  Hope to meet you soon.
  • Text “Hello”  New to NH? Text “Hello” to 217-359-8909 for a personal greeting.
  • Starting Point. 1st SUNDAYS. Get to know NH following worship in the Alpha Room.
  • Questions?  Comments?  Feedback?  Feedback@NewHorizonChurch.org.


Worship @ NH.  

Discipleship @ NH

  • NH Kids. SUNDAYS, 10:30 AM.  Nursery & Pre-K is available during worship in the DOWNSTAIRS Adventureland hallway. K-5th grade will join parents in worship through the summer. There will NOT be K-5th grade programming in the UPSTAIRS Adventureland area.
  • Axis Students. HIGH SCHOOL: Sundays, 6-8 PM.  JUNIOR HIGH: One Wednesday night offsite event per month.  Wednesday, August 7, Old Orchard, 6-8 PM. Pizza's on the house. 
  • Adult GroupsWe’d be happy to help you find yours: Groups@NewHorizonChurch.org.
  • Alpha @ NH. Starting up Fall 2024.
  • Women’s Bible Study Fellowship. RESUMES IN THE FALL.  Tuesdays, 9 AM. Women of all ages. Childcare.

Opportunities @ NH

  • GMC Disaster Team. The Great Lakes Conference of the GMC is forming a disaster response team. Interested? Contact Sue Root, suedelroot@aol.com, 217-417-4065.
  • NEW! KOZ: Kid’s Outdoor Zone. BEGINS SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 8 AM to 1 PM. NH boys, 8-18 yrs. @ Mahomet Sportsman’s Club. Info & release forms in the lobby.
  • Family Backyard VBS. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. Summer fun for kids. CLICK HERE to sign up.
  • NH Summer Experience. Disciple-making beings at home w/ Daily Family God-Time. Daily Scripture & discussion questions are on the back of the program or CLICK HERE to read them from the NH website.
  • Celebrate Recovery. THURSDAYS, 6:30 PM. Freedom from hurts, hangups, habits.  Celebrate@NewHorizonChurch.org
  • My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. A daily devotional for 2024.  CLICK HERE for NH’s Oswald Chambers page.
  • Body & Soul® Women’s Fitness Classes. WEDNESDAYS, 9 AM, SATURDAYS, 10 AM.  In-person & livestream.  Taught by Sara Easter, ACE-Certified instructor. Equipment provided. Sara@NewHorizonChurch.org.

Serving & Missions @ NH.  

  • NH serves @ Salt & Light FIRST SATURDAYS, 10 AM to NOON.  There's something for everyone.  1819 Philo, Urbana. 

Giving @ NH

Attendance @ NH

  • Worship attendance.  July 21: 178 including elementary Online:  51
  • Other attendance.  Week ending July 21Pre-K: 14  Sr. High Axis:  n/r  Jr. High Axis:  n/a  CR:  125

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...