Welcome to New Horizon. Info@NewHorizonChurch.org
- Plan Your Visit. Thinking about attending worship? CLICK HERE for what to expect. Hope to meet you soon.
- Text “Hello” New to NH? Text “Hello” to 217-359-8909 for a personal greeting.
- Starting Point. 1st SUNDAYS. Get to know NH following worship in the Alpha Room.
- Questions? Comments? Feedback? Feedback@NewHorizonChurch.org.
Worship @ NH.
- Sundays, 10:30 AM. LIVE & LIVESTREAM. CLICK HERE for livestream links, giving, downloading this week's program & more.
Wednesday Nights.
- Opportunities for all ages. 6:30 PM. Nursery, kids, teens & adults. "Drop-In" groups in the worship area. A place for everyone.
March Message Series: "Invite." Inviting is God’s way. Since the beginning, God has been inviting humankind into His amazing Life. That was Jesus’ message, and He made it possible with His cross and Resurrection. Today, Jesus’ followers eagerly invite others—because we want the world to know and love our indescribable God.
Growing Big Faith in 2025
- Wednesday Nights. 6:30 PM. Opportunities for all ages. "Drop-In" groups for adults.
- Adult Groups. Please contact us for placement: Groups@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Celebrate Recovery. THURSDAYS, 6:30 PM. Celebrate@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Women’s Bible Study Fellowship. TUESDAYS, 9 AM. Childcare is available.
Kids & Students.
- Nursery-Pre-K. SUNDAYS, 10:30 AM. Downstairs. Heather@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- K-5. SUNDAYS, 10:30 AM. WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-8 PM, Upstairs. Deante@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- Catalyst Jr. High. WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 PM. Cafe. MikeH@NewHorizionChurch.org.
- Axis High School. SUNDAYS, 6 PM. Café. Zach@NewHorizionChurch.org. CIY (Christ in Youth) registration has begun. CLICK HERE for info & signup.
- Kids Outdoor Zone. 2ND SATURDAYS, 8 AM-1 PM. Meeting monthly at Mahomet Sportsman's Club. Contact Dave Roberts, dalero1@hotmail.com
Serving & Missions
- NH serves @ Salt & Light. FIRST SATURDAYS, 10 AM to NOON. There's something for everyone. 1819 Philo, Urbana.
Opportunities @ NH
- Lifestyle Evangelism Conference. SUNDAY, MARCH 30 @ NH. Daniel Nalley will be with us for morning worship, then leading our Conference, 4-8 PM, with supper. CLICK HERE to sign up.
- Invitation Station. Stickers & invitation cards as we engage & invite others.
- NH Swag Shop. Order up your NH t-shirts, hoodies & hats thru April 7. CLICK HERE to order through April 7.
- Talking the Walk. SUNDAYS, ,APRIL 6& 13, 9:15, Café. Learning to share & invite.
- Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference. SATURDAY, APRIL 5. CLICK HERE to register.
- NH Women. 2nd Sundays following worship.
- NH Prayer Chat Room. SUNDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 8 AM. Dial 217-866-0099.
- Body & Soul® Women’s Fitness Classes. MONDAYS, 5:15PM, WEDNESDAYS, 9 AM, SATURDAYS, 10 AM. In-person & livestream. Taught by Sara Easter, ACE-Certified instructor. Equipment provided. Sara@NewHorizonChurch.org.
- Please update your NH profile. CLICK HERE for easy access. Thanks!
Giving @ NH
- General giving, Mar 16. $12,320. YTD Feb 28. $10,366 surplus
- Online & Text Giving. CLICK HERE for online giving at NH's website.
Attendance @ NH
- Worship attendance. March 16: 147 Online: 72
- Other attendance. Week ending March 16: Kids: 17 Sr. High Axis: 12 Jr. High Catalyst: 9 MDWK: 8 CR: 109