Welcome, Sisters! Let's connect!

Our Vision: “Gathering women to live out God’s glorious purposes for our lives.”

Our Affirmations. As daughters of God, we affirm we are…

  Created (Genesis 1:31)

  Strong (Philippians 4:13)

  Amazing (Psalm 139:14)

  Capable (Mark 10:27)

  Chosen (1 Thessalonians 1:4)

  Never alone (Matthew 28:20)

  Always loved (Romans 8:39)

  Beautiful (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

  Victorious (Romans 8:37)

  Enough (2 Corinthains 12:9)

nh women's schedule

Be a part on the 2nd Sunday of every month in the Cafe. Here's what's coming up...

March 16. St. Pat's Fun. Wear your green for pizza, devotions & Bunco. Bring a side or dessert if you'd like, will take a donation for pizza.

February 14. Galentines: Jesus is the Best Valentine. Baked potato bar provided, bring a side or dessert.  Cookie exchange & Scripture.

January 10. Night of Prayer. Walking the building as we pray. Breakfast for dinner, casseroles provided. Bring a dish to share.

December 13. Christmas With the Chosen: Holy Night movie in the Cafe. Popcorn bar & Hot Chocolate. Bring $3 to make an ornament.

November 8. Friendsgiving. In Room 100.  CLICK HERE to sign up.

October 11. Women's Fall Party. In the Cafe.

September 13. "Prayer Boards." A craft project in the Cafe.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...