"Core"  Establishing Essentials of faith


We're laying essential faith foundations stones for a lifetime of walking with Jesus.  

  • Weekly presentations from Pastor Mark.  Great for all faith-levels.  
  • Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.  Meet in-person, or dial-in:  217-866-0099.
  • Below are downloads for each week's presentation/discussion.  Hard copies will be distributed for those who attend in-person.

Syllabus.  A hard copy of weekly sessions.

Week 1. This is Our God. (The nature of God)

  • The Trinity
  • God’s attributes
  • The Deity of Christ
  • The Holy Spirit
  • The Kingdom of God

Week 2. God & Humankind. (The nature of humankind)

  • Creation
  • Imago Dei—dignity, purpose, humility, love
  • God in the Garden—original sin
  • Redemption—salvation, new birth, new creation
  • Grace & mercy—prevenient, justifying, sanctifying

Week 3. Knowing God. (A personal God)

  • Relationship with God—children of God
  • Fellowship with God—humility, repentance
  • Loving God—self and others
  • Assurance—eternity
  • God’s provision

Week 4. God’s Holy Spirit. (God living in us)

  • Filled, baptized, immersed, indwelt
  • Walking in the Spirit—discerning God's will
  • Spiritual gifts

Week 5. Connecting with God. (Intentional interfacing with God)

  • Means of Grace
  • Scripture, the Word
  • Prayer
  • Worship—corporate, preaching, etc.
  • Fellowship with others

Week 6. Receiving from God. (Drawing upon God)

  • Sacraments—baptism, Communion
  • Stewardship
  • Fasting

Week 7. Walking with God. (A worldview & lifestyle)

  • Walking by faith—trust, anticipation, expectation, hope
  • Walking in holiness—obedience, following Jesus’ commands
  • Taking up our cross—dying to self, endurance

Week 8. God’s Healing. (Receiving God’s healing in our lives)

  • Healing hurts and broken hearts
  • Our minds
  • Physical healing
  • Deliverance
  • Praying for healing, receiving healing

Week 9. God & the devil. (Standing against the enemy of our souls)

  • Our minds
  • Our enemy
  • Spiritual armor, weapons & warfare

Week 10. The Mission of God. (Our life purpose)

  • Missio Dei—God-history
  • Christ’s Church—Pentecost, historically, present day
  • The Second Coming
  • Heaven & hell

Week 11. Serving God. (The continuing mission of the Kingdom of God)

  • Mercy missions
  • Serving missions
  • Outreach missions
  • Great Commission

Week 12. Talking about God, pt. 1  (Faith-sharing)

  • Christ’s Commission—Go therefore…, As you go…
  • Offering Christ—Four Spiritual Laws, Roman’s Road, ABC, Do vs. Done, Romans 5:8, Way of the Master

Week 13. Talking about God, pt. 2. (Faith-sharing, continued)

  • An invitation to Christ—If Jesus would…, Sinner’s Prayer, confession of faith, seeking God
  • Dealing with intimidation & fear—courage, boldness, burden, prayer (Mike Oudyn)

Week 14. What about Christ’s Church? (What’s church have to do with it?)

  • The nature of Christ’s church
  • The people/saints of Christ’s church
  • The mission of Christ’s church
  • The presence of Christ’s church (local churches)