WEEK #1: Loving God. “Jesus said, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength.’” (Mark 12:30)
8.7 Lord, please increase my love and devotion for You…
8.8 Lord, please increase my faith to trust You more…
8.9 Lord, please give me a greater hunger for prayer…
8.10 Lord, please give me a greater hunger for the Scriptures…
8.11 Lord, please help me engage more deeply in worshiping You…
8.12 Lord, please help me become more obedient to Your nudges…
8.13 Lord, please help me turn from things in my life that separate me from You…
WEEK #2: Loving Others. “Jesus said, ‘Love others as yourself.’” (Mark 12:31)
8.14 Lord, please increase my love and compassion for others…
8.15 Lord, please help me foster more meaningful relationships with others…
8.16 Lord, please help me put the needs of others before my own…
8.17 Lord, please increase my desire and willingness to serve others…
8.18 Lord, please give me a greater burden for those far from You…
8.19 Lord, please help me be a better example of Jesus for others…
8.20 Lord, please help me speak more freely about You with others…
WEEK #3: Making Disciples. “Jesus said, ‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them all I’ve taught you.’” (Matthew 28:19)
8.21 Lord, please help me visualize myself as Your disciple…
8.22 Lord, please increase my desire and ambition to grow as Your disciple…
8.23 Lord, please help me give myself more fully to maturing as Your disciple…
8.24 Lord, please help me better engage with other Christ-followers…
8.25 Lord, please help me encourage my family members in their God-walk…
8.26 Lord, please help me encourage other Christ-followers in their God-walk…
8.27 Lord, please use me to help others know and grow in Jesus…
WEEK #4: Our Church. “Jesus said, ‘I will build My Church upon the Rock of Christ and the gates of hell will not defeat it.’” (Matthew 16:18)
8.28 Lord, please pour out Your Spirit in fresh, new ways upon New Horizon…
8.29 Lord, please help us more fully Love God, Love Others & Make Disciples…
8.30 Lord, please increase our prayerfulness, worshiping, serving & giving…
8.31 Lord, please help us become more inviting & welcoming…
9.1 Lord, please multiply our conversions, baptisms & disciple-making…
9.2 Lord, please increase restoration, reconciliation, healing & life-change…
9.3 Lord, please unite, inspire & multiply our staff, leaders & volunteers…
WEEK #5: Our Ministries. “Pray God will open doors as we clearly proclaim the mystery of Christ.” (Colossians 4:3–4)
9.4 Lord, please multiply our disciple-making ministries to children & teens…
9.5 Lord, please multiply disciple-making throughout our small groups…
9.6 Lord, please multiply healing & wholeness through Celebrate Recovery…
9.7 Lord, please use us in various ministries across our community…
9.8 Lord, please multiply our ministries in Haiti, Kenya, India & beyond…
9.9 Lord, please direct our Governing Board, Trustees, HR & Finance teams…
9.10 Lord, please involve us as You direct & multiply the Global Methodist Church…
WEEK #6: Our Nation & World. “God says, ‘If My people will humble themselves, pray, seek My face and turn from their sin, I will hear, forgive and heal their land.’” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
9.11 Lord, please renew, restore, prosper & direct The United States of America...
9.12 Lord, please heal & bring peace to the warring nations of the world…
9.13 Lord, please direct the world's resources to care for impoverished nations...
9.14 Lord, please unite the Body of Christ for the mission of Christ on earth…
9.15 Lord, “May Your Kingdom come & Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven…”
Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing our prayers. Your are good!